Clean your Walk-in Freezer

Clean your Walk-in Freezer

The difficulties to clean your walk-in freezer when the temperature is harsh isn’t enough to deter your employees from wanting to go in there. Really the funky smell will be. Fortunately the walk in smells can be eliminated in the fridge using the following tips and tactics.

Also you can have more troubles with your refrigerator equipment. Maybe you will have to answer this question: refrigerator door won’t close?

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Get dressed in the proper PPE

You must always use personal protective equipment when working in low temperatures of dangerous situations. Thus, you will need a coat or jacket to keep yourself warm and protective gloves so that you won’t freeze your hands when cleaning.

Grab all your cleaning products

The next step is gathering all the items you will need for cleaning. Vinegar, baking soda, dish soap, and a sponge should be enough to do the job.

Clear the shelves and dispose of spoiled items

You can only eliminate bad smells if you get to the root of the problem. That means you should remove all items from the shelves and thoroughly review them to look for spoiled leftovers. Sometimes clearing away sour liquids and spoiled food solves the problem immediately.

Wipe down surfaces twice

Take your rag and wipe down all the surfaces to remove crumbs, dust and any other debris that may have accumulated on the shelving. next, go over all the surfaces again with a rag or scrub brush dipped in baking soda and vinegar mix. 

Clean your Walk in Freezer Surfaces

Rinse the surfaces

Rinse them taking your time and cleaning them until you feel you’ve done a satisfactory job. The next step is to use a rag with warm water to rinse every area where you dig the cleaning.

Put the food back

Once the fridge returns to its original temperature, you can return the food. Your cleaning process will then be complete.

Try these steps, repeat them eventually and look for the results. This type of tasks look for getting the goal of how to organize your commercial kitchen. If you want more recommendations just call us. We have the best service office.

Clean your Walk in Freezer Food