Do you know what to look for when buying a food truck? Keep on reading to find out what you need before you open your business.
Looking to buy Food Trucks Chicago? Before you buy a custom food truck. Before you consider financing options. Here are five things to look for when buying a food truck.
Food Truck Equipment
Before you look for Food Trucks For Sale Chicago, you should know your menu and the equipment you’ll need to make it. If your food truck menu requires a variety. That is, various cooking equipment, such as flat grills, deep fryers, pizza ovens, mixers, etc…. You may want to use a full-size food truck.
Sales Projection
How many sales do you expect per day? The more sales you have per day, the more storage space you will need. The less space you have, the faster the food will run out. You may have to make several trips to the kitchen to maintain inventory and meet your sales needs. Take that into account.
Parking Restrictions
What are the parking ordinances in Chicago? There are a variety of parking regulations for the mobile food industry. Some only allow trucks to park in one spot for a short period of time. Others do not allow vendors to park near traditional restaurants. Check with your municipality.
If your food truck (and cooking equipment) doesn’t have a warranty, you’ll have to pay if it malfunctions. You don’t want to increase this kind of risk. Having one business is enough risk for one business.
Staff Size
The last thing to consider before buying a food truck is the number of employees. How many employees will you need to run your food truck? If you have determined that you need a lot of employees to run your mobile business. You may not be interested in running a food truck in a space of only 120 square feet.
Now you know what to look for when buying a food truck, what's next?
What to look for when buying a food truck? Now that you know what you need, what are you waiting for? Contact Medieval now: 708-657-5955