Pizza Prep Table Maintenance

Pizza Prep Table Maintenance

Pizza prep tables are high-use and difficult to clean. These appliances usually get extremely dirty; that’s why you need to learn everything about pizza prep table maintenance. A pizza prep table is a must tool for any pizzeria, but it can also get pretty disgusting if you are not careful. 

Pizza prep tables and sandwich prep tables are often overlooked and neglected because they are so high use, but also difficult to clean. These tips can help you in similar cases for the best equipment to prepare pasta.

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A big concern

It can be the dough and dust from pizza making get into the compressor. To maintain the unit, it must be cleaned weekly. 

It is important to keep up with cleaning and maintenance, as it will help to prevent corrosion from pizza sauces. The inside of the unit needs regular attention; remove food debris from around your pizza prep table. Pizza prep tables are on of the most neglected pieces of equipment in the kitchen because they are high use and difficult to clean.

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Tips to clean pizza prep tables after a busy week

  • Use a coil brush to clean the embedded dough.
  • Turn off so no fans are running if your unit coils have deep embedded dough.
  • Spray water. Let it dry for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Use a flashlight to make sure it’s cleaned out.

Prep tables are high use equipment and it can be difficult to move for cleaning. For example, many ingredients like flour, tomato sauce, and a variety of toppings, make these tables messy.

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By-monthly cleaning

You need to avoid food debris buildup in prep tables. So, you must let ict clean from grease, oil, residues and bacteria growth. Not only will you get your money’s worth with by-monthly cleanings, but it ensures optimum efficiency in the long term as well. It can even lower energy costs. 

If you want to have a successful food business is very important you learn about maintenance of other appliances like to clean your walk-in freezer.