Commercial Kitchen Trends in 2022

Commercial Kitchen Trends in 2022

Before this year ending we want to remind you the commercial kitchen trends in 2022. We are thinking in the best food and the best restaurants. In these days we can see the popular stories in the trending and most popular places. Everybody wants to visit them and take their own pictures there.
The reasons these restaurants have became so popular is because they update constantly. They invest in the last innovation technology advances. There are many tasks you can solve without using your hands. Next, you will learn more about the commercial kitchen trends in 2022.

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Automation tools

Every year we see more restaurants beginning to automatize their processes. They are improving the speed and flow of their services and dishes production. 
It’s clear that automated technology will become more common. The restaurants will look for getting better their food preps and cooking. The pioneers in kitchen automation are the fast food chains. But now is more common in all kind of kitchen businesses.
Commercial Kitchen Trends in 2022 Automation

Moving into multi-functional equipment

Restaurants are taking the downsized trend. It’s a practical and cheaper way to manage a business project. This idea can help you save space, too.
An example of very popular appliances are the combi ovens. If you get one you will make bakery, steaming and roasting. Another multi-functional machine is the blast-chiller. It’s a useful tool to make cool food. Also it’s  able to reheat.

Energy efficiency appliances

Commercial Kitchen Trends in 2022 Energy
Becoming more sustainable is a social response you need to have in mind. According many restaurants are investing more in saving energy efficiency systems. This type of equipment helps to reduce carbon food prints and operating costs. Also you will have a more healthy working environment for your staff.
Don’t forget to have in mind these trends to improve your restaurant service. If you want more information contact us and we will tell you everything you need.